Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Measures of central tendency/dispersion

Measures of central tendency are define in the statistics in the form of Mean ,median and mode .Measures of central tendency defines the single value for the group of values .Sometimes these are known as the average of the bunch of values .When we talk about the Measures of central tendency it defines that which is the value repeated mostly or which value have the greater frequency .If we take some examples as in a class what is the average height of the students or in a group what is the average age of peoples so these type of questions are solved with the help of Measures of central tendency that are describe as mean , median or mode as gives the single value that define the whole group of values .
Measures of central dispersion is denoted as the gap of the values from the center means it is define the
spreadness of the values .It is defined in terms of Range or variance or standard deviation .If we take some examples to understand the Measures of central dispersion as if the age of students in the class is 9 or 15 then there is lot of variation in the group of values so these are calculated through the Measures of central dispersion .This is helps the students of grade VI for understand how we can measure the central tendency of bunch of data or central tendency of dispersion. (know more about cbse syllabus for class 10 , here)
There are some examples as if in a group there are 5 students and their age is 8 , 7 , 6 , 9 , 7 then the central tendency is define as the value having the maximum frequency that is 7 then the answer is 7 or sometimes we talk about the mean that is define also as the average value then it is calculated as
( 8 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 7) / 5 = 37 / 5 = 7 .4 years that is about the 7 in round figures.
In the next session we will discuss about predictions. 

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